Counсil of young scientists BSUIR
Совет молодых ученых БГУИР

Current issues


The results of the competition of school children research works

Dear talented scholl children and their mentors! With great pleasure, once again, teachers and scientists of BSUIR got acquainted with the results of your scientific work and hardly chose those that turned out to be somewhat wider than all the others.
Please get acquainted with the results and do not forget that each of you is extraordinary, at least because of your curiosity! Please do not lose this quality and do not forget to periodically share your achievements with the public.
The themes of the works whose authors have become winners are following.
Direction "Informatics":
1. Forestsaver. A program for recognizing areas of illegal deforestation based on computer vision technologies.
2. Mova tsi kava? Mova Tsіkava !.
3. Dunno in the first class (electronic copybooks).
Directions "Robotics" and "Electronics":
1. The complex of radiation, dust and gas monitoring "ASI".
2. The use of outdated computer technology for the organization of comprehensive protection of a furnace private residential building.
3. PEE POWER - electric power generator.
With best wishes, Council of Young Scientists of BSUIR.
P.S. The work "From ancient times to the present: the study of an unknown dictionary" was very inspired by the members of our competition committee, however, unfortunately, its content was not consistent with the scientific areas of the Competition.
P.P.S. Participants who took 1-3 places will be sent Diplomas by mail within the next five days.
P.P.P.S. Participants who do not take 1-3 places can obtain a certificate of participation upon request.
