Counсil of young scientists BSUIR
Совет молодых ученых БГУИР

Current issues


We are looking for the best young scientist of BSUIR

Dear collegues!
We inform you that the Competition "The best young scientist of BSUIR" has been started.
In order to participate in the competition, it is necessary to apply to the secretary of the competitive commission no later then January 10, 2020. Application has to be drawn up in accordance with the form and in requirements of the Competition Regulations. The Regulations have been changed on this year.
Secretary of the competitive commission - Deputy Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists, PhD, Associate Professir, Leader Researcher of SRL 4.3 Evgeny Chubenko (tel. + 375-17-293-88-54; workplace - room 19, 1-st educational building of BSUIR).
Electroniс copies of publications have to be sent on the e-mail:
