Counсil of young scientists BSUIR
Совет молодых ученых БГУИР

Current issues


The Second Sino-Belarusian Scientific Project Competition

Dear friends! We would like to inform you that at present we are accepting applications for participation in the Second Chinese-Belarusian Youth Competition of Research and Innovation Projects. Applications will be accepted until May 7.
Organizers of the competition: Belarusian National Technical University, Republican Innovative Unitary Enterprise "Science and Technology Park BNTU" Polytechnic ", Confucius Institute for Science and Technology BNTU in conjunction with the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Belarus.
Students, undergraduates, postgraduates and young scientists from universities in Belarus and China are invited to participate in the competition.
The competition will take place on May 20-21, 2021.
The winners of the competition will be awarded prizes from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Republic of Belarus.
More detailed information about the competition - on its website .
