Counсil of young scientists BSUIR
Совет молодых ученых БГУИР

Current issues


International Scientific and Practical Conference

Dear young scientists of BSUIR! We inform you that on April 20-22, 2022 at Tolyatti State University, the VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference (School-Seminar) of Young Scientists "Applied Mathematics and Informatics: Modern Research in the Field of Natural and Technical Sciences" will be held in correspondence.
According to the status of the youth conference, the FIRST AUTHOR of the report should be a young scientist, that is, a student, magistrate, postgraduate student, an applicant for a scientific degree or a scientist with a PhD or PhD degree not older than 35 years old, or a scientist with a Doctor of Science degree not older than 39 years old. The scientific advisor can be one of the co-authors without being a young scientist. The registration fee for participation in the conference is NOT CHARGED. Based on the results of the conference, it is planned to release a collection of conference materials in the ELECTRONIC version. The collection WILL BE INDEXED IN THE RSCI. Conference participants must send materials to by 31 JANUARY 2022.
Requirements for the presentation of the text of the report and detailed conditions for participation in the conference - here.
