Counсil of young scientists BSUIR
Совет молодых ученых БГУИР

Current issues


The results of the BSUIR Young Scientists Achievement Competition based on the results of their activities in 2023 have been summed up

The Young Scientists Achievement Competition is aimed at stimulating scientific activity and rewarding achievements of high results. Traditionally, applications are accepted in three categories: "Students and Master’s Degrees," "Postgraduate Students," and "Research Workers." Based on the results of the work of the competition commission, the winners of the competition were announced:

Category "Undergraduates and undergraduates":

🥇 - Goga Alexander Vladimirovich, master's student of the Department of MNE, result - 77 points
🥈 - Rybakov Dmitry Grigorievich, student of the PICS department, result - 71 points
🥈 - Belikov Andrey Nikolaevich, student of the PICS department, result - 71 points
🥉 - Korsak Kirill Vitalievich, master's student of the Department of MNE, result - 61 points

Category "Graduate students":
🥇 - Burko Alexander Aleksandrovich, graduate student of the Department of MNE, result - 126 points
🥈 - Viktor Viktorovich Emelyanov, graduate student of the ETT department, result - 70 points
🥉 - Xia Yiwen, graduate student of the ICT department, result - 50 points

Category "Scientists":
🥇 - Lushpa Nikita Vasilievich, junior researcher NIL 5.3 NICH, result - 141 points
🥈 - Lovshenko Ivan Yurievich, head of NIL 4.4 NICh, result - 137 points
🥉 - Andrey Aleksandrovich Efremov, head of the EI department, result - 123 points

We congratulate the winners and wish them further success in their scientific activities! 🎉
