On April 24-26, 2024, the XI International School-Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists "Modern Problems of Physics-2024" will be held in Minsk at 68-2 Nezavisimosti Ave.
Young scientists (up to 35 years old), graduate students, undergraduates, as well as students of higher educational institutions are invited to participate in the conference.
The following sections are planned within the framework of the school-conference:
1. Optics, laser physics and optical technologies,
2. Micro-, opto- and microwave electronics,
3. Theoretical physics and physics of fundamental interactions and
4. Physics of condensed matter, nanostructures and materials,
5. Physics of plasma and heat and mass transfer,
6. Physics in biology and medicine,
7. Information technologies in physics,
8. Instruments and methods of measurement.
The school-conference includes plenary presentations by famous scientists on current problems in physics, and oral presentations by young scientists.
Registration for participation in the conference together with the submission of short abstracts (150 - 200 words) will be open from February 12 to March 10, 2024 at site. Reception of presentation materials (2-4 pages in A4 format) will be open after notification of speakers about acceptance to participate in the conference and until March 31, 2024 at website. The program and collection of conference proceedings will be published by the beginning of the conference. The materials of the reports will be available online after the end of the conference. The best conference reports, in agreement with the authors, will be published in the form of an article in the next issue of the Journal of Applied Spectroscopy. Rules for formatting short abstracts and reports are available on website.
Participation in the conference requires payment of the registration fee:
University students - 0 BYN
Participants from the Republic of Belarus - 50 BYN
Foreign participants - 50 EUR (5000 RUB)
Expenses associated with travel, meals and accommodation are borne by conference participants themselves or at the expense of the organization.
Conference Organizing Committee:
Chairman - Nikonchuk Irina Stepanovna
Scientific Secretary - Daria Sergeevna Vasilevskaya
+375-17-374-34-81, d.vasilevskaya@ifanbel.bas-net.by
Conference website: http://ifanbel.bas-net.by/mpp2024
For questions, please email mpp2024@ifanbel.bas-net.by.